
Issue Title
Vol 1, No 2 (2015) A method for determination of the dimensions of seismic shear walls in buildings Abstract  PDF
Turgut Öztürk, Zübeyde Öztürk, Onur Öztürk
Vol 1, No 2 (2015) Probabilistic assessment of earthquake insurance premium rates for the Gumusova-Gerede Motorway Section Abstract  PDF
Mehmet Semih Yücemen, Çetin Yılmaz
Vol 2, No 2 (2016) Seismic analysis of arch dams subjected to in-phase and anti-phase ground motions Abstract  PDF
Mehmet Akköse, Ali Aydın Dumanoğlu, Alemdar Bayraktar
Vol 4, No 1 (2018) Seismic assessment of a curved multi-span simply supported truss steel railway bridge Abstract  PDF
Mehmet Fatih Yılmaz, Barlas Özden Çağlayan, Kadir Özakgül
Vol 2, No 2 (2016) A Poisson method application to the assessment of the earthquake hazard in the North Anatolian Fault Zone, Turkey Abstract  PDF
Tuğba Türker, Yusuf Bayrak
Vol 2, No 2 (2016) Acceleration response spectra for Tbilisi city with site effects Abstract  PDF
Paata Rekvava, Ketevan Mdivani
Vol 7, No 1 (2021) Strengthening and performance assessing historical cinema hall balcony according to new Turkish Earthquake Code Abstract  PDF
Memduh Karalar, Murat Çavuşli
Vol 1, No 1 (2015) Parametric analysis of thick plates subjected to earthquake excitations Abstract  PDF
Yaprak Itır Özdemir, Yusuf Ayvaz, Tayfun Dede
Vol 4, No 4 (2018) Earthquake performance of collapsed school building under Van-Tabanli (Mw=7.2) earthquake Abstract  PDF
Cumhur Cosgun, Atakan Mangir
Vol 4, No 1 (2018) Forced vibration analysis of Mindlin plates resting on Winkler foundation Abstract  PDF
Yaprak Itır Özdemir
Vol 1, No 1 (2015) Seismic behavior analysis of multi-story reinforced concrete buildings having torsional irregularity Abstract  PDF
Turgut Öztürk, Zübeyde Öztürk, Onur Öztürk
Vol 9, No 4 (2023) Investigation of optimum tuned mass damper parameter according to stroke capacity Abstract  PDF
Aylin Ece Kayabekir
Vol 1, No 3 (2015) Warning time analysis for emergency response in Sakarya city, Turkey against possible Marmara earthquake Abstract  PDF
Hüseyin Serdar Küyük
Vol 1, No 1 (2015) Earthquake design of a viaduct with full seismic isolation of bridge deck Abstract  PDF
Martin Wieland, Sujan Malla
Vol 2, No 1 (2016) Seismic performance of a pre-cast concrete arch system Abstract  PDF
Amaia Martinez, Martin E. Turek, Carlos E. Ventura, Jay Drew
Vol 6, No 1 (2020) Evaluation of performance-based earthquake engineering in Yemen Abstract  PDF
Sulaiman Al-Safi, Ibrahim Abdullah Alameri, Rushdi A. M. Badhib, Mahmoud Kuleib
Vol 8, No 1 (2022) Earthquake resistant design of reinforced concrete retaining walls considering the project location change effect Abstract  PDF
Zülal Akbay Arama, İlknur Dalyan, Muhammed Selahaddin Akın
Vol 10, No 1 (2024) Structural behavior of historical Obruk Inn under different earthquakes Abstract  PDF
Süleyman Kamil Akın, Ahmet Alagöz
Vol 9, No 2 (2023) Turkey's disaster and emergency profile: Settlement information and analysis of earthquake parameters Abstract  PDF
Fahri Birinci
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