Research Articles | Challenge Journal of Structural Mechanics

Test on dynamic performance of silt-concrete structure system under cyclic loading with different frequency

Liyun Li, Xiuli Du, Xiaoqiong Wang, Shengxia Zhang, Aijun Yao

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In order to study the dynamic response of the soil-structure system and the contact performance between soil and structure under cyclic loading, a Suspensory Ring Test Apparatus was designed by the authors, and a series of tests had been carried out. The physical properties of the test silt were that ρ=1.59g/cm3, ωP=14.26%, ωL=21.77%. In the paper, The Suspensory Ring Test Apparatus was introduced firstly. Then, the test data were analyzed in two aspects, that was (1) the damage mechanism of the soil-structure system, (2) the factors which affected on contact performance between silt and concrete structure under cyclic loading, such as moisture content, loading frequency, roughness, and so on. Finally, some conclusions were also proposed.


soil-structure system; dynamic response; contact performance; damage mechanism

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