Case Reports | Challenge Journal of Perioperative Medicine

Perioperative ventricular dysrhythmia management in ranula cyst excision surgery

Merve Yaman, Tayfun Aydın, Osman Pala

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Ranula cyst is one of the most common pathologies of the sublingual salivary gland. It is formed as a result of damage to the gland ducts and is a retention cyst filled with mucus. Methods such as drainage, excision or cryosurgery are used in the treatment. During surgical treatment, it may cause various dysrhythmias due to its anatomical relationship with the vagus nerve. In this study, we aimed to present our response to arrhythmias seen during ranula cyst excision and resistant to IV administration with local lidocaine administration.


lidocaine; ventricular arrhythmia; ranula; vagus


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