Research Articles | Challenge Journal of Concrete Research Letters

A different approach for green concrete production: Determination of the effect of e-waste and waste rubber powder on durability properties of concrete

H. Alperen Bulut

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This study was carried out to present a different approach to green concrete production by utilizing electronic waste (e-waste) and waste rubber powders in order to provide a solution to both the cost and carbon footprint problems arising from the rapid consumption of aggregate resources and cement. For this purpose, 0%, 5% and 10% of e-waste was utilized instead of aggregate and 0%, 2.5% and 5% of waste rubber powder was utilized instead of cement. In addition, mixtures in which both wastes were combined in concrete were also prepared and comparisons were conducted. Capillary water absorption, acid and sulfate attack tests were carried out on the concretes with different wastes at the end of 28 and 90 days. The capillary water absorption of concrete produced with 5% waste rubber powder at the end of 28 days (P5E0/28) was 80% less than the control concrete (C/28) (these values were 0.46, 2.36 respectively). It was determined that the utilization of waste rubber powder had a decreasing effect on the compressive strength losses of the concretes after acid attack compared to the control concrete, while e-waste had an increasing effect. It was determined that the compressive strength losses of the concretes in which waste rubber powder and e-waste were combined against sulfate attack were positively differentiated from both control concrete and concretes produced with single waste type. In parallel with the weight and compressive strength losses obtained after acid and sulfate attack, the results of the visual analyses of the concretes were similar. The use of 5% waste rubber powder in the concrete produced the greatest results. In addition, the ideal ratio between concretes in which e-waste and waste rubber powder used together was determined as 5% waste rubber powder and 5% e-waste. The results verified that e-waste and waste rubber powder can be considered for the production of green concrete.


green concrete; e-waste; waste rubber powder; capillary water absorption; acid attack; sulfate attack


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