Research Articles | Challenge Journal of Concrete Research Letters

The impact of openings on ferrocement I-beams: a study on metallic and non-metallic mesh reinforcement

Ghada Mousa Hekal, Ayman Magdy Moawad Elshaboury, Yousry B. I. Shaheen

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The primary objective of this investigation is to assess the influence of openings on the structural performance of ferrocement I-beams, incorporating diverse metallic and non-metallic mesh reinforcements. Sixteen beams underwent testing utilizing a four-point loading system until failure, categorized into four groups based on the type of mesh reinforcement. Each group comprised a control I-beam without openings and three additional beams featuring one, two, and three openings, respectively. To ensure consistent reinforcement weight, the four groups were reinforced with three layers of welded steel meshes, two layers of expanded metal meshes, two layers of Tensar meshes, and eight layers of Gavazzi meshes. Comparative analysis of the experimental outcomes was conducted with finite element models utilizing Abaqus. Therefore, there was good agreement between the experimental and numerical results. The findings showed that beams with no openings, one, and two openings reinforced with Gavazzi meshes had the highest ultimate load compared to other tested beams, while beams with three openings, those reinforced with expanded metal meshes had the greatest ultimate loads. Placing three openings in beams, with dimensions of 100×50 mm (two of these openings are approximately 10 cm apart from each edge while the third opening is located at mid-span), reduced the load-to-weight ratio by about 20.7%, 12.9%, 8.2%, and 23.8% for welded beams, expanded beams, Tensar beams, and Gavazzi beams, respectively, compared to the beams with no openings.


ferrocement; I-beams; openings; metallic meshes; non-metallic meshes


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