Research Articles | Challenge Journal of Concrete Research Letters

Structural Behaviour of Ferrocement channels Beams

Yousry B.I. Shaheen, Noha Mohamed Soliman

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The main objective of this research is to study the structural behaviour of ferrocement concrete composite channels reinforced with various types of reinforcing materials. The dimensions of the developed ferrocement and control test specimens were kept constant as 100mm width, 200 mm height and 2000 mm length. The thickness of the two webs and base was kept constant as 25 mm. The test specimens were loaded under four lines loadings until failure.  The effects of the main parameters were extensively studied. High resistance ferrocement channels beams were developed with high crack resistance, high deformation characteristics,  high strength, high ductility and energy absorption properties could be used with great economic advantages  in the same way as steel channels in some of its uses and  very useful  for developed and developing countries alike.


ferrocement channels; deformation characteristics; strength; serviceability load; cracking behaviour; ductility; energy absorption


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