Research Articles | Challenge Journal of Concrete Research Letters

Influence of Silica Fume, Fly Ash, Super Pozz, and High Slag Cement on Water Permeability and Strength of Concrete

Adham A Elsayed

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In this study, effects of mineral admixtures on the water permeability and compressive strength of concretes containing silica fume (SF) and fly ash (FA), super pozz (SP) were experimentally investigated. Permeability of concrete was determined through DIN 1048 (Part 5). The research variables included cement type, ordinary Portland cement (OPC) or high slag cement (HSC), and mineral admixtures content were used as a partial cement replacement. They were incorporated into concrete at the levels of 5%, 10%, and15% for silica fume and 10%, 20%, 30% for fly ash, or super pozz by weight of cement. Water- cement ratio of 0.40 was used and tests were carried out at 28 days. From the tests, the lowest measured water permeability was for the 10% super pozz and 10% silica fume or 20% fly ash mixes. Although the highest compressive strengths of concretes determined was 10% silica fume mix for ordinary Portland cement and were reduced as the increase in the replacement ratios for other mineral admixtures than ordinary Portland cement concrete.The main objective of this research was to study the water permeability and compressive strength of concrete containing silica fume, fly ash, and super pozz and high slag cement to achieve the best concrete mixture have lowest permeability. The results were compared to the control concrete ordinary Portland cement concrete without admixtures. The optimum cement replacement by FA, SP and SF in this experiment is 10% SP. The knowledge on the strength and permeability of concrete containing silica fume and fly ash, super pozz and high slag cement could be beneficial on the utilization of these waste materials in concrete work, especially on the topic of durability.


permeability; silica fume (SF); fly ash (FA); super pozz (SP); high slag cement (HSC)


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